Advocating for autonomy and independence

Ahmed, a 75-year-old widower, was living alone in his own home until a health event resulted in a hospital admission.

When Ahmed was admitted it appeared he was struggling to retain information and seemed confused. Hospital staff were concerned about Ahmed’s safety and wellbeing if he returned home, particularly as he did not appear to have a strong support network.

The hospital made an application to QCAT seeking the appointment of the Public Guardian and Public Trustee, with the aim to move Ahmed into aged care accommodation. Ahmed had been opposed to this and wanted to return to his home.  The hospital social worker referred Ahmed to ADA Law for advice regarding the Public Guardian and Public Trustee.

ADA Law helped Ahmed to understand his situation. He was a recent widower and hadn’t needed help at home. Ahmed also didn’t understand the support services he had been offered at the hospital, hence his refusals. At Ahmed’s request, Ahmed’s friends had not come to the hospital, as he didn’t wish to trouble them, parking was expensive, and he was especially concerned with the COVID risks if they were to come to see him.

ADA Law helped Ahmed respond to the QCAT application and attend his hearing. Ahmed was able to explain to QCAT how his network supported him, how he had set up direct payments for bills, and that his home had been modified for his wife, so was mostly suitable for him to return to it.

The tribunal was able to dismiss the applications, leaving Ahmed to focus on his recovery and prepare for his return home.

*Name changed to protect identity.