Youth Advocacy Centre helped Tim navigate the bail process


Tim* had spent a week in the watchhouse and was applying for bail. Tim’s parents were at court to support their son but were unfamiliar with the court process, what was likely to happen on the day, and what support was available for their son and their family.

The Youth Advocacy Centre Youth Court Assistance Program worker introduced herself to them and provided information and support to Tim’s parents who also expressed feelings of confusion, sadness and frustration.

The Youth Court Assistance Program worker took the time to listen to their story and what they needed and was able to provide information about the court process. After discussions with Tim’s parents, the Youth Court Assistance Program worker was able to advocate on their behalf with Legal Aid Queensland and Youth Justice about the support that could be offered, including a referral for casework support through South-West Brisbane Bail Support Program. At their request, the Youth Justice Court Officer met with Tim in custody and explained the South-West Brisbane Bail Support Program.

Tim agreed to meet with the South-West Brisbane Bail Support Program team and participate in the program. The Youth Court Assistance Program worker spoke with Tim in court to confirm this and agreed for the Youth Court Assistance Program worker to support him in court.

Bail was granted and the Youth Court Assistance Program worker debriefed with Tim’s parents and provided information about the post court process for Tim.Tim was released from custody, given bail and given an appointment for the following day with the South-West Brisbane Bail Support Program.

The next day, the Youth Court Assistance Program worker met with the South-West Brisbane Bail Support Program Manager to undertake an initial face to face meeting with Tim and his parents at their home to confirm Tim’s consent to participate in South-(*not their real name) (*not their real name) West Brisbane Bail Support Program and to undertake the development of a case plan of Tim’s needs, concerns and support.

(*not their real name)