According to a survey by Budget Direct, 64% of adult Australians have been involved in at least one car accident, and the latest data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics found there were 20.1 million registered motor vehicles in Australia.
No matter how minor or serious, motor vehicle accidents can be stressful for everyone involved whether you are a driver, passenger or witness. Even if it is the case you have not been involved in a car accident, it is important you understand the legal and practical steps you should take following a motor vehicle accident as certain actions may be required to preserve your legal rights.
In this webinar, Robert Tidbury, Rose Burbery and Brigid Geary of HopgoodGanim Lawyers will provide an overview of what to do if you find yourself in the unfortunate position of having to deal with the aftermath of a motor vehicle accident, including:
- What to do immediately following a motor vehicle accident
- Steps to take in the 24-48 hours following the accident
- What to do if your vehicle is damaged – consideration of insurance avenues for both at fault and not at fault drivers
- What to do if you have suffered an injury – consideration of insurance avenues for both at fault and not at fault drivers
- Lodging insurance claims and relevant time limits
- Accidents involving unregistered or uninsured parties.