Embedding a culture of human rights: Where to from here?

Embedding a culture of human rights: Where to from here?
April 30, 2024, 1.00pm-2.00pm (Qld time)
Hosted by: Community Legal Centres Queensland

The Queensland Government recently announced the independent review of the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld). The terms of reference include the extent to which implementation of the Act has helped to build a culture of human rights in the Queensland public sector, and the effectiveness, and need for reform, of the Act’s provisions. The reviewer is asked to consult with community legal centres.

In this webinar, Rebekah Leong, Principal Lawyer at the Queensland Human Rights Commission (QHRC), will lead a discussion to refresh understanding of the Human Rights Act, focusing on the obligations of public entities to act compatibly with and give proper consideration to human rights. She will cover key Queensland decisions and trends in complaints received by the QHRC. We will also hear from CLC colleagues who have used human rights in their advocacy on behalf of clients.

Bring your thoughts on how you think the Human Rights Act is going, ask questions on how it could be better used, and share ideas on what could change to better protect and promote human rights in Queensland.