
Queensland Ombudsman

The Queensland Ombudsman: An introduction to our services and investigations

Webinar Date: October 11, 2022

The Queensland Ombudsman: An introduction to our services and investigations Read More »

The Queensland Ombudsman gives people a timely, effective and independent way to have administrative actions of agencies investigated. The Ombudsman’s complaints investigation service is free and independent. The Ombudsman investigates complaints about the actions and decisions of state government departments and agencies, local councils and […]

The Queensland Ombudsman: An introduction to our services and investigations Read More »

Mandatory reporting

PII session: Community legal centres and section 229BC mandatory reporting

Webinar Date: August 09, 2022

PII session: Community legal centres and section 229BC mandatory reporting Read More »

The new offences in section 229BB and 229BC of the Criminal Code Act 1899 (Qld) (the Criminal Code) commenced on 5 July 2021. Under section 229BC of the Criminal Code, an offence is created for any adult who fails to disclose information that causes the

PII session: Community legal centres and section 229BC mandatory reporting Read More »

Reimagining work – transforming work culture through everyday leadership

Reimagining work – transforming work culture through everyday leadership

Webinar Date: July 28, 2022

Reimagining work – transforming work culture through everyday leadership Read More »

Workers are often drawn to the community sector because of a belief in the mission and values of the organisation, but what happens when workload, stress, personality clashes or a pandemic starts to erode good workplace culture, leading to a ‘toxic’ work environment and decline

Reimagining work – transforming work culture through everyday leadership Read More »